Google is a place where people are looking for shopping tips, places to go out, and answers to all possible questions. This makes this platform an ideal place for advertising products and services. Good quality advertise can bring new customers and contribute to the success of the company in many ways. That’s why it’s important to understand why you need to use Google ads and how they can help you.
Google Ads advertising
Can you image tv commercials to be adapted to the person who is watching them. Why to spend money for advertising to everyone when it is enough to focus on the target group that is interested in your product? And even if you paid for advertising by performance, it would not be the perfect system? This is how Google Ads work.
Why are Google ads important for your business?
The success of your site depends on its positioning in Google search. If you are “invisible” you won’t be able to get the attention to your brand. On the one hand, SEO optimization can help you a lot, but it takes some time to get the results. The best option is to make site optimization with combination of Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing techniques. Advertising with Google brings these benefits:
- the user sees your ad first in search results;
- more site visits;
- help in getting contacts;
- enables faster online store sales growth;
- easy and precise targeting of the target group.
The Pay-Per-Click campaigns brings fast results that guarantee that your site will be at the very top of the searches. This has its own price (expressed in the desired currency). Although this is not a guarantee that the new customers will start arriving at once. That’s why it’s important to find the correct keywords that deliver better results. This applies to Google Search ads, where it is very important that the ad is consistent with the search term.

How does the Google Search Advertising work?
The effect of the Google Ads depends of the choice of keywords you want to use. A good choice of keywords is the basis of every campaign, so it is necessary to explore all keyword options. Keep in mind that the words that have the best ranking are not the best, but the ones that bring you the most conversions.
If you are dealing with, for example, IT courses, and you want to show your ads to the interested people in San Francisco, you will consider the keyword “IT courses San Francisco”. Of course that you won’t be the only one who is considering this keyword.
What is Google Ads auction?
If there are many advertisers who want use the same keyword, then the auction is on. Then you need to bid for the keyword you want so your ads will appear in that search. This process repeats each time many advertisers want a particular keyword for a given search.
The bid was not won by the one who offered the most money, but few more characteristics are considered for the final evaluation. To get the winner, the largest amount offered per click (Max CPC, Cost-Per-Click) is multiplied by the Quality Score.
In this case, the quality of the ad, the keywords, and the landing page is evaluated. It is important for Google the ads to be as relevant as possible. So it can happen that the advertiser who offered the lowest amount, and has an excellent Quality Score, wins the auction.
Someone spend only three dollars for the campaign and he has excellent quality score. He will have a better score than someone who has bad quality score and offers three times more money. This way, Google solves the problem for awarding the ads for the most popular keywords so that the winner is the one who definitely deserves them.
This happens to make the search results as relevant as possible. This way, users get what they’re looking for by clicking on a Google ad. And, it is also important for the advertisers, because they will get the visitors who want the things they offer. After all, the Google makes money from ad clicks. If the ad does not match the search, the earnings are lower.
What are Google display ads?
Except the search advertising, Google also offers the ability to place a banner. It is advertisement with image and text that appear on the sites. This type of advertising is a great solution for those who are satisfied, with the number of ad impressions. These are numbers that show how many times the visitors are seeing your ad. It means a lot for those who want to get attention to their brand.
Google display ad is an online version of a billboard which you are showing to some site visitors. Whether the user will click the banner – it doesn’t matter to the advertisers especially if a large number of people have seen their product. This can be crucial to success, especially when building a new brand.

How to Create a Google Display Ads?
Google Display Network allows the advertisers to add their ad on sites, YouTube, Gmail, mobile applications. Like Google Search advertising – the goal is to reach the right audience that will consider the ad.
This way you can find the new customers or you can remind the old ones for your brand. This is done by choosing the audience, with the possibility of targeting the visitors of your site. It must have happened to you that after visiting a site, you have the impression that its advertisements are following you everywhere.
Several ways in displaying Google Display Ads
- Responsive Display Ads – Creating these ads is partially automated. You need to add a text, photo and logo, and Google will take care of the ad. The ad will be optimized to fit as “naturally” as possible into the visual appearance of the site on which it appears. This means that the ad will look as another text on the site.
- YouTube Ads – The ad you create for this video service will appear in the certain positions within the video. The exception is if the user is using a YouTube Premium account. In this case the ads are not displaying.
- Gmail Ads – Your ad will be visible on this email service.
Search Ads appear to people who have searched for a particular term on Google search. Unlike the Search Ads, the Display ads can get attention to a potential customer. These ads are displaying to users before they start looking for something that the advertiser has to offer. There’s also the ability to show ads to people whose interests match the ad. Or to people who have already visited the advertiser’s site.
This way of advertising seems a bit chaotic. But, the truth is that you can check the results of your campaign at any time. You can see which sites are running your ad, which ads are getting the most clicks, and which sites are paying the most.
Is Google advertising expensive?
Like any advertising, it only pays off if it delivers the results. In this case the price is a relative term. If $100 spent on Google ads brings you $1,000 in profit, then we can definitely say that the return on investment is excellent (ROI). It also means that you set up a great advertising campaign, reached out the interested users who have spent money on your product.
Yet, it is not easy to create a successful campaign – it is necessary to have certain knowledge in Google Ads. Without good targeting of the audience and selection of quality keywords, which lead to the conversion of visitors, this type of advertising can be quite expensive. Not only you will pay for every click on your ad, but the visitors will not do what you want. In the end, you will spend your budget without achieving your goal.
To prevent this happening, it is necessary to check the results of advertising and make some changes. Some ads you will need to pause. Some you will completely cancel. While some will prove to be very profitable, so you will want to “strengthen” them. This allows you to pay only for the right campaign results. As a reminder, Google earns from clicking on an ad, so it is in Google’s interest for the ad to be representative and generate a large number of clicks.

How to learn more about the Google Ads?
If you have interests in a professional career in PPC marketing, it would be great to have some international certificate. This way, you’ll have skills to work with Google ads and PPC. You want to know the basics, and you would apply to your business. Knowing the basics of Google Ad is an opportunity you should not miss!
But, always keep in mind that PPC is only a part of digital marketing. Methods such as SEM, email marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing and many other elements are an inseparable part of a successful business. Combining the most effective marketing methods resulted in a very effective and cost-effective promotion of products and services.
Yet, for quality campaigns you need the experts. They will prepare the marketing campaigns. Due to their specific knowledge, these professionals can find a great job and an exceptional salary.
It should not be overlooked that you can be a freelancer in Google Ads and other Internet marketing areas. This is an extra reason why these jobs are in high demand. Become a part of the Google expert groups, the marketing expert groups, who have excellent salaries.